Thaddeus Hauser
Interp-rotations, interpretable images one can rotate, explores the unique experiences individuals have. This is explored from their own personal perspectives and interactions with the piece and each other. Emphasizing an experience of the moment rather than the unpredictable future, or the fleeting past, an examination of this concept led towards ideas of futurism, our concern with what is to come, Psychology, why and how our minds function in perceiving the world, as well as Epistemology, questioning how we claim to have knowledge of things in the first place. To capture these moments I refined hand drawn sketches in Photoshop before constructing a medium for them to be able to be rotated by the viewer. Originally to be done on a gallery wall via custom designed rotatable frames, but in finalization done digitally due to the loss of the gallery space during the global Covid-19 pandemic. While social distancing during the quarantine might seem to have interrupted the interactive aspect of the piece, it actually highlights the need that humans have to socialize about their experiences, especially when the individuals current experience with the piece will likely be in isolation, or not face to face. Even if it might not generate the interactions I was expecting, it gives me my own unique experience with my own project.