Thaddeus Hauser

We added Lerpz to the environment and then added a collider to him so he won't fall through the level.

We messed with the particle system to add a bit of flare to Lerpz's jump.

This is the final customization of Lerpz Escapes.

We added Lerpz to the environment and then added a collider to him so he won't fall through the level.
In this project, we learned the basics of Unity. We got a near finished game and then worked towards finishing it. This game is a third person plat-former with exploration aspects. The main goal of the game is to collect a predetermined number of Power Cells that are scattered around the environment and also power the enemies. The reason this is happening to Lerpz is because he crash landed and his craft is being held in impound. Lerpz needs the Power Cells to open the electric fence holding his ship and escape. While he is exploring, he must elude the Coppers holding his ship in impound.